Contribution For Management

Contribution For Management

I was a new college student at a Jakarta State University, in a faculty of economics and management majors. In this paper I will describe what I want to contribute to management majors. As a freshman, I will familiarize myself with the campus atmosphere which may be very different from the high school atmosphere. Then I learned to understand what management majors are and what the benefits are for the wider community. The initial contribution I want to give is to be passionate about the academic introduction and make the faculty economics the best faculty among the other faculties. When I get used to and understand everything, I will study diligently, following events organized by management majors. Telling other friends about how the management majors is and at the same time promoting management majors, especially management majors at Jakarta State University. I will keep my attitude in socializing with other majors or even other faculty.  When in high school I may be quiet and do not want to follow the organization of the existing organization but when I was a college student, I will try to follow the organization in this management majors, especially the set of management students, this is the organization that I want to follow later. I will play an active, creative and innovative role within the organization, providing ideas that are useful for the sustainability of this management and I will surely comply with the rules of the organization. When there is a majors competition or even a faculty, I will follow it to boast of this management majors. If I get a chance to be the person who leads the organization, I will create a useful activity for my friends in this management majors even for other majors. As the school year begins I will train new students to be ready with the campus environment, train them well without violence.  I am ready and convinced to be a jakarta state university students, want to try to boast and give the best for management majors. I hope the management majors gets better with the new students in 2017

Muhamad Lutfi Prayitno_1705617051_Manajemen


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